Cari Soci, riportiamo qui di seguito l'informativa da parte del Ministero degli Affari Esteri della Repubblica Popolare Cinesesulla sospension...
Il nostro socio Business Strategies lancia Winease, una piattaforma a disposizione delle aziende per promuovere il vino italiano in Cina e...
DECREE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE ITALIAN COUNCIL OF MINISTERS of 22 March 2020 Further implementing provisions of Decree-Law No. 6 of 23...
Since the outbreak of the health emergency due to the Coronavirus alert, the Italy China Foundation has been committed to constantly...
Dear friends of the Italy China Foundation,as announced on February 24, we confirm that in compliance with the measures for the preventio...
Since the beginning of the health crisis due to the spread of Covid-19, the Study Center for Business of the Italy China Foundation - CeSIF has a...
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