Training & Research

Fifth edition of China Watcher
23 March 2015 - Italy-China Foundation and ISPI (Institute for International Political Studies) organizes Monday, March 23, 2015 at Palazzo Clerici, Milan, the V Maria Weber Annual Conference CHINA WATCHER.
The event will be an opportunity to present the new indicator of attractiveness of Chinese provinces (CIBA) drawn up by Cesif, Research Center for Enterprise of the Italy-China Foundation. It is a useful tool for Italian corporations and public institutions engaged in internationalization activities to China. The indicator will be declined for the major commodity sectors.

"China Project: Club Made in Italy"
Milan - The School of Continuing Education participates in the training program reserved for the "China Project - Club Made in Italy", created by FederLegnoArredo in order to effectively take all the opportunities that the Chinese market offers without incurring the difficulties related to the size of the territory, to different lifestyles, different types of commercial networks and institutional issues.

Chinese 4 Business
The Italy-China Foundation, in collaboration with Mescomp Technologies, Edu Active, KU Leuven University and SPI Portugal, plans to develop a new Chinese language course dedicated exclusively to business Chinese (level A2-B2) funded by the European Union to ' inside the Erasmus + project.

Digital export - Where and how to win new customers with digital channels
Milan, November 19, 2014 - The Foundation is devoting increasing attention to the internationalization tools offered by the new media and the digital sector to achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness in the Chinese market.

China Focus
October 2014 - The Italy-China Foundation and ISPI have launched FocusCina, a project aimed at companies wishing to invest or have investments in China. The aim is to highlight internal differences and opportunities that characterize China in its 31 provincial-level administrative units.

China Business Management (CBM) Programme
Italy China Foundation and Catholic University of the Sacred Heart have devised China Business Management (CBM) Programme, an advanced training course on development issues and the management of the business in China and economic relations with China. For registration and information: economic facilities are provided for those who register by the end of October. For information:

Urban Development in Asia out Sustainability Initiatives and Business Opportunities
September 26, 2014 - 9:30 to 11:30, Palazzo Clerici - via Clerici 5, Milan - The initiative, promoted by ISPI, Italy China Foundation and Assolombarda, continues the deepening of the opportunities that this area offers, with particular reference to Italian companies and especially in light of the attention that will be paid to the Asian continent during the ASEM Summit on 16 and 17 October between the heads of State and Government from Europe and Asia and Asia-Europe Business Forum (AEBF) to be held on October 15 at Assolombarda. Asia is a continent still relatively urbanized (only 43% of the population lives in urban centers) but it is a reality destined to change rapidly. According to ADB estimates in 2050 60% of Asia's population will live in cities, with a demographic shift that will involve a billion and a half people.

Growing out of Socialism: Capitalism with Chinese characteristics
Milan, September 19, 2014 - ISPI, Italy China Foundation and Istituto Bruno Leoni organize the seminar "Growing out of Socialism: Capitalism with Chinese characteristics". Friday, September 19, 2014 - 11:00 am, Palazzo Clerici - Room Library, Via Clerici 5. Milan. Speaker: Ning Wang, Assistant Professor of Global Studies at the School of Politics and Global Studies at Arizona State University and Senior Fellow at the Ronald Coase Institute. Along with Ronald Coase wrote the book "How China became a capitalist country" (IBL Books, 2014). RSVP: | 02 72 000000. Download the invitation.

Notice of selection for admission to the university Master courses of I and II level established by the University Ca 'Foscari Venezia

public selections are held for admission to university courses Master of I and II level established by the Ca 'Foscari University of Venice for the academic year. 2014/2015. The main features of the courses are given in the annexes, which form an integral part of this notice. The offer of university Master courses both I and Level II is divided into two types: Master and Postgraduate Master Executive. To Master "Postgraduate" are those that Master, integrating academic education with professional content, we aim to facilitate the early entry into the working world. To Master "Executive" means the Master with more typically vocational content, aimed at those who have already entered the world of work and needs a more focused and specialized training. Download the announcement.


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Italy China Council Foundation

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Phone +39 02 72000000

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