The world premiere of "I Caraviaggianti" will be held on Friday, July 13. It's an original production made by Umbria Jazz and Tadaam in collaboration...
La Fondazione Italia Cina, la Camera di Commercio Italo Cinese, AICE e Cathay Pacific organizzano il networking cocktail...
The number 162 of Mondo Cinese, the only scientific journal of studies on contemporary China, published by the Italy China Foundation, has been...
Lovemark, a digital marketing company specializing in the provision of marketing services, develops the...
On May 25, a delegation from the CCPIT (China Council for the Promotion of International Trade) made an official visit to Italy,...
"The Lure of Tradition" is the title of the cultural project that gathers some of the artists of Chinese origin who study, live and / or work in...
The Italy China Foundation, the Italian Chinese Chamber of Commerce and AICE organize the collective participation for Italian companies at the...
On May 25, 2018 the new European Privacy Regulation (General Data Protection Regulation, 2016/679) came into force. The p...
Il 25 maggio 2018 è entrato in vigore il nuovo Regolamento europeo sulla privacy (General Data Protection Regulation, 2016/679). La privacy degli...
Lo Studio Tributario e Societario Deloitte organizza l'incontro “La Cina nell'economia glo...
In occasione della presentazione del numero 161 di Mondo Cinese, la Fondazione Italia Cina organizza una tavola rotonda per analizzare il fenomeno...
With a view to fostering greater collaboration and interchange between our country and China, as part of the Bari Film Festival 2018, a Memorandum...
La Fondazione Italia Cina parteciperà, con il Coordinatore scientifico del suo Centro studi CeSIF Filippo Fasulo, alla tavola rotonda "La Cina...
Which movie genre does the Chinese public like? On which platforms do they decide to see a film and what relationship do Chinese millennials have...
Quale genere cinematografico piace al pubblico cinese? Su quali piattaforme si informa per decidere di vedere un film e che rapporto hanno i...
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