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Inkred si associa alla Fondazione Italia Cina

Inkred (Sino-Italian Intelligent Manufacturing Technology Promotion Centre) was established in July 2017 by Phase Motion Control Ningbo, a Sino-Italian joint venture since 2001 with about RMB 1 billion sales revenue in 2018. Since the establishment, Inkred organized several successful activities, including the Intelligent Manufacturing Technology forum for the EV Supply Chain in Ningbo last June, with over 300 participants including 13 Italian Companies and delegation from PIEMONTE. Inkred contributed in reaching the strategy cooperation relationship between National New Energy Vehicle Technology Center and Politecnico di Torino, the face to face agreement for deep cooperation between Ningbo Municipal and Region Piemonte. Inkred has also actively participated in international activities such as VTM Torino in last November, promoting the visiting of COMAU and other Italian Companies to Ningbo.

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