Area News



Italy: land of attractiveness for foreign investments

Companies based in the PRC have invested approximately EUR 16 billions in Italy in the last ten years. A lower figure than investments in Germany and about 1/3 of those in the United Kingdom. What is the regulatory framework in Italy? What are the strategic issues which can guarantee a more complete Chinese presence in the country? 

These and other themes will be at the heart of the webinar "Italy: land of attractiveness for foreign investments", organized within the framework of the Joint Working Group on Bilateral Investments constituted by the Italy China Foundation and the Italy China Chamber of Commerce. The event will be held on 8 June at 10 am on the Foundation's Zoom platform.

                                                                                   Click here to register for the event

(click here to download it

10.00 Institutional greetings
Mario Boselli | Chairman, Fondazione Italia Cina
Zhang Yujing | Chairman, CCCME
Carlo Ferro | Chairman, ICE

10.10 Introduction
Alessandro Paoli | Head of UniCredit International Center Italy, UniCredit
Cheng Binhong | Deputy General Manager of Investment Banking Department, ICBC HO  
10.30  Keynote speech 
Alessandra Todde | Vice Minister, Ministry of Economic Development

10.50  Panel discussion
Gianpaolo Bruno | Coordinator of ICE/ITA Offices in China and Mongolia
Marco Marazzi | Partner, Head of China Desk, Baker McKenzie
Vincenzo Colla | Councillor of Economic Development, Emilia-Romagna Region 
Ernesto Somma | Head of Innovation and Incentives Business Unit, Invitalia 


Opening and moderation
Marco Bettin | Chief Operating Office, Italy China Foundation; Secretary General, Italy China Chamber of Commerce

With the support of:
CCPIT China Council for Promotion of International Trade Representative Office in Italia
CCCME China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products

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Italy China Council Foundation

Via Clerici, 5 - 20121 Milano - Italia
Tel +39 02 72000000

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