Established in 2010, the Panda d'Oro Award...
On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the reform and opening of China, the People's Government of the Province of Guizhou of China and the...
81 films in the program, 21 of the 55 titles in competition this year are first and second works: an authentic nursery for new directors and new...
The Italy-China Foundation and the Italian Chinese Chamber of Commerce invite their Members to the Exclusive Luncheon with S.E. Mr. Zhang Ming,...
During the Fuorisalone 2018 the Formentini workshop for the Publishing industry hosts from April 17 to 22 the exhibition / event "Outside the...
Registration is open at Chongqing Summer School 2018: there is time until June 8 to decide to attend a summer language course at the Chinese...
Per gli studenti e i professionisti che vogliono imparare da zero il cinese o migliorare il loro livello di conoscenza della lingua, la Scuola di...
"The Szechwan Tale, China, Theater and History" will be inaugurated on Thursday 12 April at the...
The "Belt and Road Trade and Investment Forum" was held on Thursday 12 April in Beijing. The event - organized by the World...
La Fondazione Italia Cina dà il benvenuto ai nuovi Soci che questo mese sono entrati a fare parte del nostro network:...
Gli uffici della Fondazione Italia Cina resteranno chiusi da venerdì 30 marzo a lunedì 2 aprile compresi. Buona Pasqua a tutti!复活节快乐!...
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